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Using Icons

Vue File

Local Icons in Templates (Available Offline)

This project uses unplugin-icons to automatically import icons from @iconify-json/icon-park-outline. It is recommended to visit icones to find the icons you need.

For example, if you find an icon named home, you must use the <{collection}-{icon} /> format to import it, otherwise it will not work.

// usage
<icon-park-outline-home />
<IconParkOutlineHome />

// modify style
<icon-park-outline-home style="font-size: 2em; color: red"/>

// modify style using Unocss
<icon-park-outline-home class="text-red text-2em"/>


It is recommended to use the Iconify IntelliSense plugin to improve development experience.

Network Icons in Templates (Not Available Offline)

The project also provides the functionality to automatically load network icons, allowing the use of all icons from icones rather than being limited to the icon-park-outline series. This feature is implemented based on @iconify/vue and n-icon. Icons loaded this way will not be automatically packaged into the project. Not available offline.

For example, if you find an icon named icon-park-outline:user

// usage
<nova-icon icon="icon-park-outline:user" />

// modify style
<nova-icon icon="icon-park-outline:user" :color="red" :size="22"/>
Props Type Declaration
interface iconProps {
  /* Icon name */
  icon?: string
  /* Icon color */
  color?: string
  /* Icon size */
  size?: number
  /* Icon depth */
  depth?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

TypeScript File

Local Icons in TypeScript (Available Offline)

In some scenarios, it may not be possible to directly use icons in a component, such as when adding icons for rendering in a TypeScript file or in the script section of a Vue file with Naive components. In such cases, icons need to be manually imported for use.

import IconRedo from '~icons/icon-park-outline/redo'

const options = [
    label: 'Refresh',
    key: 'reload',
    icon: () => h(IconRedo),

Network Icons in TypeScript (Not Available Offline)

Similar to the above scenario, but icons are loaded from the network.

import { renderIcon } from '@/utils'

const options = [
    label: 'Refresh',
    key: 'reload',
    icon: renderIcon('icon-park-outline:redo'),


renderIcon returns a @iconify/vue wrapped by the h function, not directly returning a VNode node. Depending on your needs, its usage may be renderIcon('{collection}:{icon}') or renderIcon('{collection}:{icon}')(), the latter directly returns a VNode node.

SVG Icons

This project uses unplugin-icons to automatically import SVG icons. First, you need to add the SVG icons to src/assets/svg-icons.

For example, if you add a logo.svg, you can use it in the project by importing it with a custom name that follows the format svg-icons-{name}.

// usage

// modify style using Unocss
<svg-icons-logo class="text-2em"/>


For visual aesthetics, SVG icons are set to a default size of 1.2em. You can modify this default behavior by changing the build\plugins.ts file.

// auto import iconify's icons
  defaultStyle: 'display:inline-block',
  compiler: 'vue3',
  customCollections: {
    'svg-icons': FileSystemIconLoader(
      svg => svg.replace(/^<svg /, '<svg fill="currentColor" width="1.2em" height="1.2em"')

Dynamically Importing Local SVG Icons

Sometimes it may be necessary to dynamically import SVG icons. In such cases, the renderIcon function should be used, and the icon name must start with the local: prefix.

import { renderIcon } from '@/utils'

// Automatically import `/src/assets/svg-icons/logo.svg`
renderIcon('local:logo', {size: 20})

In the template, use the nova-icon component for importing

// usage
<nova-icon icon="local:cool" />

// modify style
<nova-icon icon="local:cool" :color="red" :size="22"/>

Released under the MIT License.