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Environment Variables

Common Variables

Common variables are variables that should be consistent across all environments, such as project name, project root directory, etc. Define these variables in the .env file for use throughout the entire project.


  • Type: string
  • Default: /

If your project needs to run under a sub-path, you can use the VITE_BASE_URL variable to set the sub-path. For example, if your project runs at, you can set VITE_BASE_URL to /my-app. Relevant configurations in the project will be automatically adjusted.


  • Type: string
  • Default: Nova - Admin

If your project requires a specific name, such as Nova-admin, you can set the value of this variable to your project name.


  • Type: dynamic | static
  • Default: dynamic

The project provides two routing modes: dynamic and static. If you do not need to implement dynamic routing with the backend, you can set VITE_AUTH_ROUTE_MODE to static.


  • Type: string
  • Default: /dashboard/workbench

Set the path to redirect to after login. This should be the path where you want to redirect immediately after logging in, and it will also be used as the priority path when returning to the homepage in a 404 scenario.


  • Type: string
  • Default: null

Set the prefix for global storage. For example, if VITE_STORAGE_PREFIX=nova_, then using src\utils\storage.ts, the data in localStorage and sessionStorage will have the nova_ prefix added, for example, nova_token.

  • Type: string
  • Default: Copyright © 2024 chansee97

Footer copyright information.


  • Type: Y | N
  • Default: Y

Whether to use auto refresh token. When disabled, expired tokens will directly return to the login page.


  • Type: zhCN | enUS
  • Default: enUS

Default language configuration used in the project. If it does not work, please clear the browser's local cache.

Development Environment

Development environment variables are variables that are only toggled during development, such as whether to enable proxy, etc. Define these variables in the file.


  • Type: Y | N
  • Default: N

If your project needs to use a proxy to access backend APIs, you can set VITE_HTTP_PROXY to Y to enable the proxy.


This configuration is only effective in the development environment. The frontend cannot handle cross-origin issues in the production environment.

Production Environment

Production environment variables are variables that are only needed during production or building, such as whether to enable gzip compression, etc. Define these variables in the file.


  • Type: Y | N
  • Default: N

If your project needs to enable artifact compression, you can set VITE_BUILD_COMPRESS and VITE_COMPRESS_TYPE to enable compression.


  • Type: gzip | brotliCompress | deflate | deflateRaw
  • Default: gzip

Set the compression algorithm.

Released under the MIT License.