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Access Control

Role-Based Access Control for Menus

In the returned menu data, there is a roles field that indicates which roles can access that menu. In the example data below, only the super role can access it.

If this field is empty, it means that all roles can access it.

// ...
  'name': 'justSuper',
  'path': '/permission/justSuper',
  'title': 'Visible to super',
  'requiresAuth': true,
  'roles': [
  'icon': 'icon-park-outline:wrong-user',
  'componentPath': '/permission/justSuper/index.vue',
  'id': 30,
  'pid': 28,
// ...

Permission Directive

In the project, use the v-permission directive to determine if the current user has access to that menu. It can be used with both strings and arrays for checking.

    <el-button v-permission="'super'">just super</el-button>
    <el-button v-permission="['admin']">just admin</el-button>
    <el-button>everyone can see</el-button>

Permission Method

In the project, use the hasPermission method to check if the current user has access to that menu. It can be used with both strings and arrays for checking.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { usePermission } from '@/hooks'

const { hasPermission } = usePermission()

function dosomething() {
  if (hasPermission('super')) {
    // do something

    <el-button v-if="hasPermission('super')">just super</el-button>
    <el-button v-if="hasPermission(['admin', 'user'])">just admin and user</el-button>
    <el-button>everyone can see</el-button>

Released under the MIT License.