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Customizing Themes

Interface Layout

Modify src\store\app\index.ts to customize the following variables:

  • footerText: Set the footer text, usually used to display copyright information, default is Copyright © 2024 chansee97
  • lang: Set the language, default is 'enUS'
  • theme: Override global component library theme variables, refer to the next section for details, default is themeConfig
  • primaryColor: Theme color configuration, default is #18a058
  • collapsed: Whether to expand or collapse, default is false
  • grayMode: Whether to enable gray mode, default is false
  • colorWeak: Whether to enable color blindness mode, default is false
  • loadFlag: Page reload flag, no need to modify
  • showLogo: Whether to show the logo, default is true
  • showTabs: Whether to show tabs, default is true
  • showFooter: Whether to show the footer, default is true
  • showProgress: Whether to show the progress bar, default is true
  • showBreadcrumb: Whether to show breadcrumb navigation, default is true
  • showBreadcrumbIcon: Whether to show breadcrumb navigation icon, default is true
  • showWatermark: Whether to show watermark, default is false
  • showSetting: Whether to display the settings window, default is false
  • transitionAnimation: Type of transition animation, default is 'fade-slide'
  • layoutMode: Interface layout type, default is 'leftMenu'
  • contentFullScreen: Whether to display content in full screen, default is false

Component Library Style

Modify src\store\app\theme.json to add the style variables you need. For specific details, please refer to Naive-UI.

  "common": {
    "primaryColor": "#18a058",
    "primaryColorHover": "#36ad6a",
    "primaryColorPressed": "#0c7a43",
    "primaryColorSuppl": "#36ad6a",
    "infoColor": "#2080f0",
    "infoColorHover": "#4098fc",
    "infoColorPressed": "#1060c9",
    "infoColorSuppl": "#4098fc",
    "successColor": "#18a058",
    "successColorHover": "#36ad6a",
    "successColorPressed": "#0c7a43",
    "successColorSuppl": "#36ad6a",
    "warningColor": "#f0a020",
    "warningColorHover": "#fcb040",
    "warningColorPressed": "#c97c10",
    "warningColorSuppl": "#fcb040",
    "errorColor": "#d03050",
    "errorColorHover": "#de576d",
    "errorColorPressed": "#ab1f3f",
    "errorColorSuppl": "#de576d"
  // ...

Released under the MIT License.